violence is a widespread problem that generally involves the abuse of wives in
families ongoing throughout the world. This topic has got a lot of attention
not only because it is a global social issue, but also because it highly harms
the family stability, physical and mental health of women and children, and
social order.
Domestic Violence is a mental, physical and other
type of violation between the family members by frequent cases of abuse,
mutilation, beatings, and restriction on freedom. It is
mostly done by doing negative mental abuse and positive physical blows, for
example injuring the victim in a casual way, not providing treatment to the
sick person, keeping the victim hungry and cold, and not permitting the victim
to go to their own home.
violence against women gets easily caught by people, and this is why some
abusers have got to learn to do this by not leaving any type of mark on the
victim. When we say anything about physical violence, we mean to say that it is
the action done with the aim of terrorizing or harming the body of time.
document the physical abuse so that it becomes easy to identify it, it is
important to pay attention to distinguishing between irregular bodily injuries,
daily quarrels, family disputes that have not yet led to legal domestic
violence. For example, any dispute between a husband and wife cannot be treated
as domestic violence.
people who are the victims of domestic violence can become the main object of
physical damages, like scratches, broken teeth, black eyes, cuts, burns,
bruising, and bone fractures. Such damages to the body result in disabling the
victim to work regularly, which in turn, results in loss of employment. This
also results in a situation where the victim feels uneasy and makes the victim
get away from family and friends.
If you
are one of those people who live in an abusive relationship and thinking of
taking legal action against your partner, then documenting all the elements of
your case such as behaviour of your abusive partner holds an important value.
And this is why it becomes important to consult a lawyer who will tell the
victim about what type of proofs and evidence can be used in court. By talking
with a lawyer, you can start preparing to get relief from such a situation.
evidences can be:
- Objects or items broken by the abuser
- Photographs of injury
- Verbal proof from the victim or other witnesses
- Medical reports of injuries because of dealing with abuse
- Photos of the home after a violent scene happened by the abuser
In some
cases, abusers also use their kids as a weapon against the victim when the
abuser notices that the victim is expressing a willingness to leave the house.
However, leaving the house is neither simple nor easy. So, it becomes necessary
to take action to secure herself from such abuse. For more
details explore: